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Storyboard practice frames from Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End

nobel dinner
Fictional action sequence at the Nobel Dinner, intended for live-action, (original story). Click the boards below to browse through sequence.

harley & joker bank robbery, scripted class exercise
blood bond
Storyboarded action sequence for short film Blood Bond, 2021.
princess and the pea: beat boards
Select storyboards for original short Tread On A Thread, 2019.
tread on a thread
princess in quarantine
Short piece intended for animated
style, inspired by the recent corona virus outbreak and nation-wide quarantine. Miss Princess daydreams about traveling, (and perhaps toilet paper).
Click the boards below to browse through sequence.

ain't that something

Flower was Storyboard Artist and Art Director for the music video Ain't That Something by artist and YouTuber Scotty Sire, 2019. Click the link provided below to check it out:
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